Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Professional Skills: Emotional Intelligence Essay
This report, entitled Professional Skills excited experience was prep bed as my 1B Work Report for PD2 Critical Reflection and Report Writing. This is my first induce term report. The purport of this report is to determine differentiate stirred watchword characteristics that define booming gross revenue representatives at CIBC, as well as summary on my aflame dealion skills and how to improve them to better my academic, professional, and fond performance.PD2 is designed to help students learn scathing reflection and report writing. The activities of the melt guide students by means of the process ofwriting a formal report. finished the completion of the course assignments and the creation of this report, I leave wise(p) how to perform a report following a treated of guidelines. I watch in addition had the opportunity to reflect on my current skill set and to identify aras for improvement.This report was written entirely by me and has non received each pre vious academic credit at this or any other institution. I received no assistance.Table of Contents identify of Figures and Tablesiii abstractiv1.0 Introduction12.0 My Emotional information Assessment22.1 psychoanalysis22.2 Reflection43.0 Emotional Intelligence and performance at CIBC53.1 Analysis53.2 Reflection64.0 Conclusions75.0 Recommendations8References10 addendum A PD2 Checklist11List of Figures and TablesFigure 1. My Five Emotional Intelligence Areas of liaison2 Figure 2. Emotional Intelligence Skill-sets and Scores6Table 1. August 2012 unpaid worker Schedule9SummaryThis report is titled Professional Skills Emotional Intelligence. The purpose of this report is to analyze key excited intelligence characteristics that define successful gross sales associates at CIBC, as well as analysis on my ruttish intelligence skills and how they affect myacademic, professional, and well-disposed performance. My appraisal was make online by means of Emotional Quotient Inventory. Th e sphere done by CIBC consisted of data collected everyplace a six-month period and steamy intelligence loads done through Emotional Quotient Inventory.In conclusion, many areas of aflame intelligence, such as societal skills and self-actualization, contribute greatly to the performance of the sales representatives. Companies should start using aflame intelligence for selection of their sales representatives, and this way, they hobo successfull-of-the-moony select high performing sales representatives. From my assessment, it shows that my top three strengths are interpersonal relationship, stirred up self-awareness, and b slightedness and my two weaknesses are social province and gravitas. I should volunteer at the local community centre to become more socially responsible, therefore become more successful in every eyeshot of my life.1.0 IntroductionRecently, emotional intelligence is being regarding more and more significantly by employers, parents, and teachers. Su ccess in school, at work, and in life depends on social and emotional skills and, unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can be improved. There are numerous areas where emotional intelligence can presently affect performance. This report discusses my emotional intelligence gain ground, and explains how my emotional and social cognitive operation impacts my academic, professional, and personal performance. It also discusses the results from the con done by CIBC that mulish key emotional intelligence characteristics that define successful sales associates. Since recruiting and training can be costly, employers always try to lower the turnover rate and attach the success rate. This report provides useful information near emotional intelligence that could solve this problem. My assessment was done online through Emotional Quotient Inventory. The study done by CIBC consisted of data collected over a six-month period and emotional intelligence scores done through Emotional Quotient Inve ntory.2.0 My Emotional Intelligence AssessmentBy using Emotional Quotient Inventory, it helped me to identify my perceived frequency of emotionally intelligent behaviours in terms of fifteenestablished emotional intelligence skills.2.1 AnalysisAmong the fifteen emotional intelligence skills, five of which establish been identified as significant areas, including top three strengths and two areas religious offering the greatest opportunity for personal growth.Figure 1. My Five Emotional Intelligence Areas of InterestMy top three strengths are interpersonal relationship, emotional self-awareness, and happiness and my two weaknesses are social responsibility and self-regard. The Interpersonal Relationship divisor is defined as the ability to develop and maintain mutually reward relationships that are characterized by intimacy and the exchange of affection (Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2012). I am by and large able to establish mutually satisfying relationships through talk that in cludes a balance of listening, empathy, and sharing of information. My results for the emotional self-awareness scale indicate that I am generally in touch with my feelings and that I usually dwell what my are feeling and why. In addition, I usually feel genial expressing my feelings and ideas to friends, fellow students, and co-workers without feeling threatened. Individuals who find their lives personally, academically, and socially rewarding are generally more successful in what they do (Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2012).People with happy dispositions are likely to be more proactive, resilient to adverse conditions, and less inclined to stress symptoms. I am this type of person. I feel commodious with my life, genuinely enjoy the company of others, and am able to derive fun from my daily routine. For the weaknesses, my results from the Social Responsibility scale suggest that that I am fairly self-aspiring and may put my own desires and take aways above those of others. In some cases, my results reflect recognition that I sometimes act without full consideration of the effects of my behaviors on others and further suggest a escape of regard for others or for social regulations. Furthermore, I appear to be wanting(p) self-confidence in many, if not most situations. It is during these moments of uncertainty when my functioning may suffer. These areas should be considered an area for improvement.2.2 ReflectionThe results defend been identified to help me increase my social and emotional functioning by leveraging my strengths and by enhancing areas for development in order to achieve personal, academic, and professional success. Through the assessment, I have learned about my strengths as well as my weaknesses. What I should do to improve social responsibility is to take control of my emotions, since it is the most critical aspects of social responsibility. Also, to improve my self-regard, I should try to be optimistic and have confidence in myself. I also should try to be less critical towards my actions in order to increase my confidence level and self-regard. In the future, I leave behind further apply what I have learned about myself, keep improving myself in areas such as self-regard and become more socially responsible. This way, by combining with the positive aspects of myself, I will be able to reach my potential and success in every aspect of my life. 3.0 Emotional Intelligence and performance at CIBC determined key emotional intelligence characteristics that define successful sales representatives.3.1 AnalysisThe CIBC Global Private shoreing and Trust team conducted a study where the emotional intelligence levels of the successful and unsuccessful sales representatives were assessed (Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2011). The results for this study were obtained over a six-month period. After the study, it turned out that many EI skill-sets are clearly causative to higher performance. As shown in the chart below, the two key emotional intelligence skill-sets for success were interpersonal skills and self-actualization (Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2011). Interestingly, having a lower score in impulse control in combination with higher scores in other EI areas, translated into higher performance amongst sales representatives (Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2011). In addition, the difference in scores was very small for three areas social responsibility, impulse control, and frankness testing.Figure 2. Emotional Intelligence Skill-sets and Scores3.2 ReflectionSince I am working as a sales representative for the CIBCs Petro Points Mastercard this coop term, I have compared my results of the emotional intelligence assessment with the result from the study CIBC conducted. Also,comparing my sales volume with the high and low performing sales representatives. Both successful sales representatives and I have high scores in areas of interpersonal relationship, happiness and low score in social responsibility. I n addition, my sales volume is in the top ten pct in the company. This shows that I am a high performing sales representative, and the emotional intelligence assessment accurately determines the factors affecting sales volume. Studies also have shown that emotional intelligence and leadership abilities are closely related. Emotional intelligence also determines the performance of debt collectors, insurance agents, and air force recruiters.4.0 ConclusionsFrom the study done by CIBC, it can be concluded that many areas of emotional intelligence, such as interpersonal skills and self-actualization, contribute greatly to the performance of the sales representatives. Interestingly, areas such as social responsibility, impulse control, and reality testing do not affect performance since the difference in scores amongst the high and low performing sales representatives were insignificant. My assessment closely matched the scores of high performing sales representatives, and my sales volum e is considered high in my company. My EI scores and performance on the job are closely related. From my assessment of emotional intelligence, it can be concluded that my top three strengths are interpersonal relationship, emotional self-awareness, and happiness and my two weaknesses are social responsibility and self-regard. By improving on my areas of weakness, I can be successful in every aspect of my life.5.0 RecommendationsCompanies such as Royal Bank of Canada and Scotia Bank should start using emotional intelligence for selection of their sales representatives, this way, they can successfully select higher performing sales representatives. This order should be implemented by the end of 2013, since many companies such as CIBC already use this method for selection of employees. I should volunteer at the local community centre, Frank Mckechnie Community Centre, to improve my poor social responsibility score. I will do so from August foremost to August 31st, three hours a week, to help children and seniors who attend activities at the Centre. down the stairs is the volunteer schedule I created. Sincethe Centre is always in take on of volunteers, I can easily obtain this opportunity to improve my emotional intelligence level.Table 1. August 2012 Volunteer ScheduleReferencesChampion, R., Paci, T. & Vardon, J. (2012). 1121t1125 PD 2 Critical Reflection and Report Writing. Retrieved 10 May, 2012, from https//learn.uwaterloo.ca/d2l/lp/home scalawag/home.d2l?ou=32500 Multi-Health Systems Inc. (2011). Emotional Intelligence and recidivate on Investment. Instrumental in Individual and Organizational Development. Retrieved 1 July, 2012, from http//www.qualifying.org/about/MHS_Brief_ROI.pdf Multi-Health Systems Inc. (2012). Student Summary Report. Emotional Quotient Inventory Higher Education.AppendicesAppendix A PD 2 Report ChecklistYour report mustX Include 4-6 pages of be content. Figures or defers that are included in the body are excluded in the 4-6 page count. (Example 8 pages of content that includes a one-page figure and a half-page send back counts as 6.5 pages of body content.) Adherence to the 3Cs (clarity, conciseness, and coherence) will allow you to meet this page limit. X Include at least(prenominal) one table (Place the table in the body of your report if you discuss it in detail place the table in an appendix if your analysis refers to it only briefly.) X Include at least one figure (Place the figure in the body of your report if you discuss it in detail place the figure in an appendix if your analysis refers to it only briefly.) X Use a 12-point serif fontX Be typeX Be written in formal, standard English, with no contractions X Be spellchecked and proofX Include pages numbered according to the conventions described in the Report Resources tab. Your report must conform to the format and conventions described in the Report Resources page. You do not have to bindyour report or include a calculate cover because you wil l submit your report to us online. Your report will include the following pages and sections X Title pageX Letter of submittal (addressed to the PD 2 course instructor) X Table of contentsX List of figures and tables, if appropriate (Figures or tables in an appendix should not be listed on the List of figures and tables figures or tables elsewhere in your report are required to be on this list.) X SummaryX IntroductionX Body (that includes both an objective analytical component and a reflective component) X Conclusions (the section is conclusions as in findings, not conclusion) X Recommendations (specific, measurable, and attainable)X ReferencesX Appendices (you need at least one appendix which includes this checklist)
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