
Monday, September 30, 2019

Parents Who Have a Severely Disabled Child Should Be Allowed to Euthanize Them Essay

Some people call it mercy killing, others call it murder. This is a tough question for every parent in the word who has severely disabled child that will never be able to recognize them or even understands who he or she is and why. This problem has occurred over decades and there is a lot of proof that those children are not able to live full lives and some of them are in constant pain. What’s more in some countries euthanasia is allowed (1). Only the improvement of medical treatment is the reason why those children are still alive (2) and this treatment is quite expensive so governmental funds are needed (3). A part of society believes that it is cruel to force severely ill people to live when in normal conditions they would die. Euthanasia is a painless death caused by a medical injection and it is allowed in Brazil, in some occasions in Canada and in some states in the USA. This choice has to be made by the person who wants to be euthanized. If the adult in care or child are not able to make that choice by themselves it automatically means that this procedure cannot be done. In these situations the question of giving rights to choose to another person always occurs. It is a conflict between law and ethics. It would be more ethical to end ones suffering, but the law says that every person has a right to choose and a right to live. Every child has a right to live a life without pain and some of those diseases are incredibly painful even if painkillers are used. So it would be more humane to euthanize the child. As always, if there is seriously ill child a lot of funding is needed. If the parent or guardian does not have money to cover the expenses the governmental funding is needed. Marc Spindelman, a law professor at Ohio State University and an expert in bioethics thinks that politicians starts to look God like, because a single state spends around 2,5 billion a year on severely ill children, yet this amount of money is not enough, so they have to decide who lives and who dies. According to data it costs around 103, 000 $ a year on infant with ventilator and around 100, 000 $ a year on a baby who is connected to feeding tubes (Extreme choices, The right to live or die(n. d.)). If that kind of a choice is given to government there is a question of why it is not given to parents, because they are the ones that will know better whether to continue fighting or to let the child rest in peace. The main reason why nowadays there are more disabled children than in the past is because of medical development. Severely disabled children in past in most cases could not reach adolescence, because of the fact that there was no special medical equipment that could help to keep those children alive, like there is now, for example, feeding tubes. That means that they can survive as long as they are in a hospital or as long as parents or the government have funds to pay medical bills. There is a law in Canada that allows parents to disconnect the feeding tubes, but that means that they will starve to death. That is the main reason why Annette Corriveau wants to euthanize her children Janete and Jeffery. They do not respond and they are not able to move, roll over or even move their hands. They are in vegetative condition for more than ten years and there is only a slight possibility that there will be a medication that might improve their condition. As Annette said in an interview, she thinks that euthanasia would be the best thing that can happen to them, because she would not like to live a life like that and she does not know anyone who would(). Also, some parents are wondering why they can decide to have an abortion during any stage of pregnancy, if a disease is detected, yet cannot give birth to make sure that the child is truly sick and then euthanize him or her. The fact is that despite modern medical equipment there is a slight chance that the doctor might be wrong and parents will kill an innocent and healthy child. If we would follow the law of nature, this kind of question would not even be considered and no one would have to make that kind of a choice. Because of today’s medical equipment we keep alive those who should be resting in peace and putting them through different painful operations and treatments just because of the society’s opinion that euthanasia is considered murder and because we think that living even in vegetative state is better than death. SOURCES: 1. Extreme choices, The right to live or die (n. d.) Retrieved from: http://www.enquirer.com/extremechoices/loc_extremeday2.html ; 2. Taking mercy (8 of March, 2012) Retrieved from: http://www.globalnews.ca/taking+mercy/6442597182/story.html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lesson Plans and Lesson Presentations

Lesson 1Course: World History   Date: Grade level: 9,10,11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic:   The beginning of the WWII Arizona State Standards: Bell Work:Do you know what war is considered to be the greatest tragedy of all nations?Do you agree wiyh this definition? Why or why not?How do you personally feel about WWII?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)The students are shown 5 minute video stating the losses that the world in general and the US in particular had to suffer after the WWII.Lesson Objective:Students will be able to identify:The causes of the WWII; Main participants; The start of the war. Students will be able to write at least 2 main dates in the history of WWII.The students will be able to form their own opinion who was the initiator of the war and how it could be avoided, if could at all.The main conceptual objective is to make students critically think and analyse historical events.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to remember what had happened after the WWI and what specific treaties were signed. Then he/she leads active discussion about Versailles Treaty, its positive and negative sides. In advance, the teacher gives an individual task for three students to prepare an overview of economic and political situation in postwar Germany, Italy, and Japan respectively. After that, the class is divided into 5 groups representing five countries (regions): Germany, Italy, Japan, former USSR plus Western Europe, and the USA. All of these groups are given 7 minutes to prepare their possible reasons to be engaged in the war.When all of the reasons are announced, the teacher summarizes them and writes down the correct ones on the blackboard. Then the teacher asks one student (voluntarily) to identify key participants of the war, and again writes them on the blackboard. At this time another student is asked to show these countries on the map, pointing specifically at the territories they aspire to gain after the war. All this takes 40-45 minutes. After that the teacher initiates the topic about Moscow conference and invites three students to represent Molotov, Ribbentrop and Churchil l. The teacher asks students to defend the interests of their countries (USSR, Germany and Britain respectively), and the rest of the class should be willing to help. When the discussion is over, the teacher reveals the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and explains its importance in the world history. After that he/she makes a short overview of the first military actions that signified the start of the WWII. Along with students he/she writes down the main dates:Hitler’s party foundation; Moscow conference; Molotov-Ribbentrop secret Pact; The official start of the WWII. Closure:The teacher gives the students a short quiz summarizing the key points of the lesson. In order to avoid students fear and resentment, he/she allows them to use their notes to answer the questions. When they are done, the teacher tells the correct answers and asks the students to check their own work. Only the good grades are fixed. However, the teacher warns that next time all the marks (both good and bad will be put).Extension/Fast finishers:For those who finishes quiz quickly, the teacher asks to fill in the table stating:The reasons of the war for specific countries; Country’s prominent political leaders; Country’s interest in the war. Each fast finisher gets a separate country. The teacher could check the assignment during the class (if there is enough time or prepare them for the next one).Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher refers to the objectives attained as the result of the lesson. Then, he points that in order to develop further students’ critical thinking skills he assigns the following homework. He/she also might ask students how they liked the interactive games and dialogues in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such method of teaching.Individual Student Practice:To write a two page essay expressing own opinion about what parties were guilty and why, and how the war could be possibly avoided, if could be at all.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Breuer B. â€Å"Deceptions of WWII† Wiley: New York, 20012. Morton L. â€Å"Targeting the World War II Generation† In Public Relations Quarterly. Vol.: 49., 20043. O’Brien K. â€Å"The Home-Front War: World War II and American Society† Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 1995Materials List: textbook, notebook, hand map, pens/pencilsLesson 2Course: American History   Date: Grade level: 11 Estimated time: 1hour 30 minutes Topic:   Veteran’s Day Arizona State Standards:Bell Work:Do any of you have grandparents who survived the WWII?Did your relatives participate in any other American war?What does it mean to them? Did they share the memories?Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)Can you count all people you know that have taken part in any American war? Do you consider them heroes? Can you write just one sentence for them to tell or to send as a message to thank for their effort at this glorifying date — Veteran’s Day.Lesson Objective:Students wi ll be able to identify all the significant events in the US history involving wars.Students will be able recall the history of the Veteran’s Day holiday.Students will define the significance of the holiday for present and future generations.Lesson Overview/Procedure:The teacher asks the students to recall the major events in the US history, which involved military actions. He writes them all on the blackboard. Then the teacher invites one student to put those events/wars in the chronological order. When the student is done, the teacher together with the rest of the class checks the assignment. The teacher asks the student to choose four major American wars and divides the class into four groups accordingly.Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare a short report about the war (everything they know) including the memories of their relatives about the event (for instance, about the WWII). If possible, it is useful to provide each group with one laptop in order for them to make power point presentation. Then each group presents their overview and exchanges the opinion. Basically, the teacher doesn’t intrude, but just direct the discussion and control the time. When the discussion is over, the teacher tells who played a significant role founding the Veteran’s Day as it is. In advance, the teacher also arranges for one veteran of WWII to come to the class and share the experience. The teacher leaves 15-20 minutes for this veteran to share his experience. Extension/Fast finishers:For the group that makes presentation fast, the teacher prepares a statistical information about how many veterans there are in the USA, in what regions etc. He/she asks the group to get familiar with the information and to present it for additional mark. Another possible task is to write the slogans glorifying the courage of those participated in the war. After the writings are done, the big board should be hang on the blackboard.Closure:At the end of the class the tea cher collects the writings with greetings and wishes that students made at the beginning of the lesson and gives them to the veteran invited. He also gives the task for three students to prepare one war poem and learn it by heart. The end of the class is signified by reading of these three poems.Assessment/Evaluation:The teacher encourages the student to say a few words about the significance of the Veteran’s Day for them personally and for future generations. He asks the students to greet their relatives and other people they know who participated in the War.Individual Student Practice:The teacher asks to research the history of the Veteran’s day and prepare a detailed plan stating the main branches of the Veteran’s Day development.Teacher Reflection & References:1. Veteran’s day. Available: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/veteransday1.html2. The History of Veteran’s day. Oct. 3, 2003. Available: http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/faq/vetsday/vetshist.htm3 . Adrian G. â€Å"The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946† Berg: Oxford, 1994 Materials List: notebooks, separate sheet of paper, pen/pencil, laptop (if available)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How sports influenced my life Essay

I have been participating in sports ever since I was four. Athletics has always been a very big part of my life, and that is the way I love it. I play soccer, volleyball, basketball, and lacrosse for my school, as well as playing travel soccer for the LIJSL. I also enjoy playing softball, football, tennis and any other sport. Partaking in athletics has had an extremely positive influence on my life and my development as a person. For one thing, it has taught me cooperation and teamwork. It has taught me how to be a good leader and to work well under pressure. This has become exceptionally handy during test time. Participating in sports has given me very useful problem solving skills as well as keeping me healthy and in great shape. Most importantly, taking part in sports has given me the confidence that I know I could never live without. Playing sports has helped me make a lot of friends. When I first moved to Stony Brook, I was very shy and did not know anyone. Some of my first friends were from my soccer team. It has also kept me very busy. I feel that this has prevented me from trying drugs and/or alcohol along with teaching me some very important organization skills. Since I spend so much time at practice or games, I have learned to organize and manage my time more efficiently. There is little time to procrastinate. Furthermore, I feel that from being a participant in sports I have developed a great amount of self discipline. Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting up and going to those early morning practices or taking that extra mile when I feel like I can’t go another step. Sports have shown me the importance of making the right choices. Aside from teaching me some very important life skills, being an athlete has opened many doors for my future. After I graduate high school, I plan to go on to college and continue my athletic career. I am hoping to get a scholarship so I can then become a veterinarian or a professional soccer player. In conclusion, I feel that playing sports has not only helped me to become a  better person, but it has also helped me to excel in other areas. I think that athletics is a very important part of my life and I encourage many others to participate too. Most of all, I HAVE FUN! There is nothing more I enjoy than going outside and playing any sport; it doesn’t matter which it might be.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Community policing has been introduced to combat crime and to build a Essay

Community policing has been introduced to combat crime and to build a bridge between police and the public. Critically discuss the effectiveness of this model of policing in achieving these aims - Essay Example olitan Police believes, â€Å"One of the key principles of modern policing in Britain is that the police seek to work with the community and as part of the community† (web). As a strategy, community policing combats crime by creating a mutual relationship between the police force and the public (Kennedy, et al., 1990). Community policing promotes good relationship between public and police enabling them to report criminal acts to the police. This has resulted to decrease in crime rate in Britain. On the other hand, the police force can obtain important and crucial information from the public. Sir Robert Peel confirms that cooperation between the police and public determines the proportion of force that police require to combat crime (Nazemi, 2009). So far, community policing has made it possible for the British police to use less brutal force in combatting crime, at least in the residential areas. Although community policing has been effective in some areas, it has also failed to some extent due to failure of the community to cooperate. The public have always sympathized with the criminals especially when the criminals are family members. This reduces effectiveness of community policing (Farrington, 1994). The public has always seen the police as a public enemy and therefore declined to volunteer any helpful information in fear of victimization thereby reducing effectiveness of community policing (McKnight, 1995). Additionally, witnessing in murder and crime scene cases is quite hectic and involving. Sometimes these cases take years to solve. Criminals might threaten the public into witnessing against them. This makes the public to shy away from assisting the police in their efforts to do community policing hence compromising effectiveness of community policing. By closing the gap between the public and the police force community policing has enabled criminal to learn tactics applied by the police and this has resulted in an increase in crime (Clifford, 1998). In

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nationalism and Patriotism in World War I Assignment

Nationalism and Patriotism in World War I - Assignment Example The novel conveyed various themes including nationalism and patriotism which will be the focus of this exposition. The author shatters any idealistic predeterminations that prospective readers may develop in the course of reading the novel in his portrayal of all possible ghastly consequences in war participation. Yet again, the emphasis of this treatise is directed towards â€Å"nationalism† and â€Å"patriotism† and their corresponding examples as exemplified in the novel. The reader is likewise informed to all new sorts of attacks in the war which even more procured the writer the impetus to write this novel. Nationalism Nationalism oftentimes connotes the unwavering commitment and loyalty of a person towards his mother homeland. In the novel â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†, nationalism is introduced through the encouragement of Paul’s teacher, Kantorek, to join the German army shortly after the commencement of the World War 1. Paul recalled how K antorek would constantly push them to join the war by subtle forms of bullying and by verbalizing patriotic passages towards them, thereby criticizing their spinelessness. Albeit Kantorek expressed 2 nationalism by encouraging the young men to enlist themselves in the war, Kantorek was not among those people who belonged to the generation relatively entreated to battle for their homeland. In the novel it says â€Å"For us young men of twenty  everything is extraordinarily vague, for Kropp,  Muller, Leer, and me, for all of us whom Kantorek  calls the â€Å"Iron Youth†Ã¢â‚¬  (Wheen 1929), people who offer their lives in order to serve the political interest of their leaders. This thereby implies that not all nationalistic goals are motivated by acceptable intents. Paul felt acrimonious as to how they cannot defy the calls of their conscience and about the thoughts of nationalistic contributions pleaded of them which eventually compelled them to join the war; neverthele ss, Paul still was able to utilize it in humanitarian cause. Nationalism transcended beyond its common description, that is loyalty to your homeland, when Paul reconciled with the Russian soldiers after realizing that they do not war against each other because they are enemies but because they were ordered to do so. Furthermore, Paul altered his customary understanding about nationalism as manifested by his feeling of remorse after slaying a person for the first time. He felt numb and haunted after seeing the soldier gasping for air and slowly dying. The nationalism portrayed in the novel projects it in different angles. It did not only focus on pristine loyalty to his homeland but nationalism by understanding why they were in war and realizing how they are used as a â€Å"marionette† leverage of their political leaders. Patriotism In deliberating on a certain novel and its undertones and meanings, we find nationalism and patriotism as one of the most common themes when it co mes to war novels. However, in the novel â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front†, it does not focus on the triumph of war or any 3 undesirable consequences that one who engages in battle would encounter. The novel is just a simple exposition of how war can separate a person from his civil life, particularly a person who was involved in the war itself. The novel depicts truthful accounts of the actual events that took place in the war scene and thereby added the traumatic effect of witnessing a dying person, hovering killer planes, a

Project two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project two - Essay Example She reads out to her grandparents that she killed all the butterflies and continues by saying, â€Å"this is me and this is all the butterflies.† On the other hand, when the grandparents ask her if the teacher liked what she wrote she responds by saying that the teacher told her that butterflies are good creatures that should not be killed. Her grandfather then responds by saying, â€Å"because you see, your teacher, she buy all her cabbages from the supermarket, and that’s why.† The story of butterflies tells much about miscommunication taking place in the learning institution. It is clear that what the grandparents view as dangerous to their farm is viewed as a beautiful creature that do no need to be killed. Our experience together is what comes out clear after considering the two different settings, home and school settings. There is a definite gap created in the story of how indigenous topics or subjects are covered in school setting. Both the teacher and the grandparents hold different opinions on butterflies and the young girl writes about what she is convinced and believes in, that butterflies are bad. Differences in perspective from two different cultures shows that things are never as simple as they are thought out to be. The author of the story has clearly showed that difference in culture may determine an individual’s opinion although she does not show an acknowledgement of the same. Indigenous topics are rarely taught in schools and therefore cultural diversity is not taken into consideration. This creates a knowledge gap because students, researchers, teachers, and other people in the society are not presented with information that can help them relate various things. Conventional culture tends to act as a block that prohibits the society to have an agreement on a specific issue regarding native beliefs. Bridging the knowledge gap such as the one created in the Butterflies

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The history of winter olympic games Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The history of winter olympic games - Term Paper Example In 1924, winter Olympic Games occurred for the first time under the name â€Å"International Winter Sports Week.† It was a great success and the first winter games in history. Summer and winter games occurred simultaneously since 1924 until 1936. Both editions faced cancellation after the Second World War and the games began to participate in different countries (Karamichas, 1975). In 1986, there was a separation of summer competitions from the winter holidays. Since then, the winter games have gathered sports every four years from all over the world. In 1998, winter Olympics occurred in Japan with 72 countries participating and more than 2000 participants. The 19th winter Olympics took place in Lake City, USA in 2002. The last winter Olympics took place in Sochi, Russia in 2014 with an epic ceremony with music and dance. http://mylibrary.qu.edu.qa/availlim/search~S4?/Xolympic+games&searchscope=4&SORT=DZ/Xolympic+games&searchscope=4&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBKEY=olympic+games/1%2C28%2C28%2CB/frameset&FF=Xolympic+games&searchscope=4&SORT=DZ%2C6%2CTop of FormBottom of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Management and the Cultural Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Management and the Cultural Industries - Essay Example Most experts say that larger corporations have the resources to cater to a large target market; it is the smaller independent producers who are responsible for catering to all the individual needs of the community. To understand this concept we will first look at the importance of this sector in the US economy. The US economy has been chosen because it has an abundance of small individual producers as well as large organizations and both have a significant impact on the consumption patterns of the population. Small businesses are generally the driving force behind most local economies. They contribute to the society by selling their products to customers, products that people need. They also provide employment opportunities to people, which can become reasonable career paths and choices. "Small business drives the American economy," said Dr. Chad Moutray, Chief Economist for the Office of Advocacy in a press release. "Main Street provides the jobs and spurs our economic growth. Ameri can entrepreneurs are creative and productive, and these numbers prove it." The cultural workers and their understandings are also very quintessential within the relevant scheme of things because these bring about a vital change in the working dynamics of the business realms and discuss how success could be made a vital part of the organizational setups (Logue, 2001). The argument against this is that large businesses have the financial backing to keep the business profitable even in the face of intense competition. Larger companies are more prepared to take on risk and are prepared to fail. This tendency allows them to make bolder decisions and be more aggressive in tackling opportunities. Successful businesspeople invest in expert advice. As a result, they make better decisions and take the right actions, for what they need to achieve. This investment allows them to not only learn from their past mistakes but make the best possible decisions in the future. Whatever differentiates the large businesses from the small ones, the fact remains that the businesses need to be run in a manner that incites growth, development and productivity across the board. This shall bear a great amount of positive results at the end of the day. Small businesses often are underestimated for the revenue they generate, and therefore they are considered inferior to the large conglomerates. This is however still questionable and we can see how exactly small companies benefit from this increased competition. The small business realms are large ones if they are handled in a proper way. What this implies is the fact that whole-hearted and concerted efforts and endeavors will win the small businesses what they aspire the most, and how success will come about with the advent of change within the technological manifestations which are taking place on a constant basis. How Small Businesses can effectively compete with the Larger Corporations? As we have seen above, the small business sector is really competitive even in this global economy, however now we must identify how this is possible. One of the biggest resources that companies can use is information technology, where companies can seem more professional to their customers. Using proper information technology tools and resources even small business can expand their customer base and carry out business outside their own

Monday, September 23, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Global warming can be referred to as indisputable and continuous increase in the earth’s temperature. Oxlade defines global warming as â€Å"increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere† (4). Global warming has been linked with natural and human (anthropogenic) causes. However, little attention has been given to natural causes and scientists and environmentalists have mainly focused on human causes. Scientists have established that increasing accumulation of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, in the earth’s atmosphere is the main cause of global warming. Industrialization era has seen much increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere. Humans are the main emitters of carbon dioxide through activities that involve combustion of fossil fuels (Haldar 10). There have been massive carbon dioxide emissions from industry, agriculture and transport sectors. Even lighting systems in homes that use fossil fuel have contributed towards global climate change. Moreover, increasing human population has led to deforestation for to create settlement areas and expand agricultural lands. Trees are known to be important for carbon dioxide sequestration. When trees are cut, forests, which store huge amounts of carbon dioxide, cease to be there. This means an increased amount of carbon dioxide that escape into the atmosphere. The impacts of global warming are already evident across the world. Global warming is having serious implication on human health, global economy, and environment. The temperature of sea and oceans are constantly rising and coastal flooding is becoming more common than ever (Haldar 24). Heat waves are becoming a common phenomenon and many places around the world that were once agriculturally productive are turning into deserts (Gupta 24).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Eth125 Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Eth125 Stereotypes Essay Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: Race Ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual orientation Age Disability |Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Race |All black people are lazy or |White people are prejudice |Hispanics are all illegal aliens | | |criminals | |and lazy | |Religion |All Christians are hypocritical |All Muslims are terrorists |All Jews are penny pinchers | |Gender |Men are better financial providers|Women can not be successful and |Women are supposed to take care of| | | |independent |all household duties | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? â€Å"Stereotypes are unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences in to account.† (Schaefer 2012) Although mostly negative, there is one positive aspects. Such as, positive feedback like â€Å"Asians are very intelligent people† this is something I have heard many times, and from my own perspective and interactions, I find this to be accurate. A negative aspect would be to assume how someone is, without giving them the chance to show their true self. First impressions are important, but not always accurate, and if an individual is stereotyped because of the way they appear, then the chance to meet someone important could be passed up. Jumping to conclusions, lack of information, and not knowing what you could have gained from this different individual or group can be considered a loss. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. A stereotype can be defined as an assumption being made about certain typical characteristics of an individual. For example, a young individual who is dressed in all black with tattoos and piercings would be considered someone who is satanic or part of a group that worship the devil. Whereas prejudice being a negative perception and pre-judgment being made on an entire group of people. For instance, a male may be offered a higher paying job and title than a woman with the same qualifications. There are different forms of prejudice and stereotyping, and not all are based on race and ethnic background, it can also be gender, age, sexual orientation, and even socioeconomic status. What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? Stereotyping and prejudice are both forms of judgements being made on individuals or specific groups. Prejudice perceptions often lead to stereotyping, and the only difference is one is an assumption of certain characteristics, while the other will judge all in a particular category without prior knowledge of the group of people. What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Preventing prejudice is a challenge, although as individuals we can change the way our younger generations see other people, but to prevent it as a whole is impossible. If we teach our children that everyone is equal and its okay to be different, then they will teach their children, and so on. Kindness can be contagious. Our society has been this way for such a long time that it almost comes naturally, and as sad as that is, people tend to judge and look down on others different from themselves. It starts with with us and carried on to our younger generations.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of Colonization

History of Colonization Revolts in French ruled countries as opposed to Britain ruled countries To understand the causes of consequences, it becomes binding to have an idea of the background before the matter in dwelled into as a larger picture. The scramble for Africa started at the end of nineteenth century. European powers wanted to establish separate dominances over varied parts of the continent. After the initial hindrance of the geographical location was taken care of, each European power had vested interest in particular areas. Thus, they redrew the boundaries and the structure of the countries in the continent was revised to an immeasurable extent. The already existing political institutions were not concentrated upon. It led to forced partitions and mergers of a majority of the African countries. The traditional groups and monarchies were forced to break down and share their territory with literally new people. Thus multiple independent groups with each having their own history, culture, language and tradition were now belonging to one territory which would be ruled by one or more powers. Each ruling power was only looking for their own benefit. After a mass re division of the land, some parts were traded between the ruling countries to satisfy their own goals. Any kind of resistance by the native Africans was severely oppressed and made to die down by various Treaty and Conquest tactics. Although the colonial rule was expected to go on for over a period of more than 100 years, the ruling powers lacked sufficient man power to take over administration, governance over the economic growth. Indirect rule was favored with African authorities and thus emerged a new class if intermediaries whose job was to make sure that the government orders were fully executed. The pattern of economic activity started changing with commercial agriculture at a good pace. The countries started fair exports of these commodities as well as minerals. In certain parts of the continent, a given holding of a territory was declared as White Land. The literacy and primary education introduced throughout Africa by the Christian Missionaries led to the elites espousing nationalist ambitions. But it didn’t result in anything at this point as the African countries had nothing among them which would or could hold them together against the colonizing powers. Africans were residing in mere geographical boundaries. With the second World War, the game changed in Africa. All the new infrastructural developments and the rapid increase in agricultural production as well as the manufacture of other items that took place were to ensure the sustainability of the ruling European nations in the war. When the African troops were deputed for war, they learnt to a great deal about the freedom movements and struggles in the other parts of the world. When the war came to an end, just like the rest of the world, there was a lot of restlessness and frustration in Africa. Those who had served in the army were hoping to be rewarded by some share in the government of their country. The standard of living by then was in complete shambles. No proper housing facilities, high prices, no jobs and the problems continued. In order to provide some relief which would benefit their own interest, the colonial powers carved a way to include some of the African people in the political game. But gradually, some African thinkers started to believe in the idea of ‘self-government’ and demanded the same from the colonial power ruling that particular country. When this freedom was granted, the upcoming African political leaders were not trained and capable enough to run a country. Thus policies and decisions were not suitable for the development which led to increased corruption. Although no one really campaigned for independence, the political aspirations were centered on securing for the African population the same rights and privileges as those enjoyed by the fellow metropolitan people of the colonial power. But gradually, the march towards independence started in Africa. Like in any revolution, there were revolts across countries, against the governments. But there was a very obvious difference between the type and intensity of revolts in countries ruled by Britain and those ruled by the French. This is more of a comparative understanding rather than an analytical one. Here on, there is a sincere effort been made of following a timeline. When the continent of Africa was being divided by lines pre decided by the colonial invaders, some territories were swapped to satisfy their purposes. The British were primarily interested maintaining secure communication lines to India which led to initial interest in Egypt and South Africa. Then they intended to establish a Cape-Cairo railway. The control of Nile was also viewed as a strategic and commercial advantage. France had two motivations for its colonisation. Firstly, it wanted to establish markets, strategic bases for the French military and trading fleets around the world. Secondly, it wanted to exploit the natural resources and cheap labour of the colonies. Britain traded parts of northern Nigeria with France for fishing rights. France exchanged parts of Cameroon with Germany in return for German recognition of the French protectorate over Morocco. At the end of all the exchanges, the French claimed 3.75 million square miles while the British claimed 2 million square mil es. Early African reaction to European intrusion into Africa in the late 19th century was not uniform. A few groups that had suffered from long-term warfare or slave raiding (such as in parts of East Africa) gave an uncertain welcome to European presence in their regions in hope that there would be peace. Other groups strongly resisted the coming of European political control. However, many people had no initial reaction to colonialism. This was because the early year’s colonialism had little impact on the lives of many rural African peoples. This situation changed as the impact of colonialism became more widespread and intense in the middle decades of the 20th century. Until after the Second World War almost all the Africans living in the colonies of France were not citizens of France. Rather, they were French Subjects, lacking rights before the law, property ownership rights, rights to travel, dissent, or vote. Until after the Second World War almost all the Africans living in the colonies of France were not citizens of France. Rather, they were French Subjects, lacking rights before the law, property ownership rights, rights to travel, dissent, or vote. But post WW2, France started regarding their colonies not as separate territories but as a part of ‘La Plus Grande France’ But Britain’s strategy of pacifying all the nationalist ideas was different. They started by introducing new constituencies, providing for elections for a handful of members of the legislative councils. In the 1950’s, violence broke out in Algeria as France refused to grant Independence. The Algerian war started with the insurrection organised by the National Liberation Front (FLN), on November 1st, 1954, and lasted until 1962 when Algeria became independent. During those eight years one million Algerians died. In 1954 there were 200,000 Algerians living in France. Of those 150,000 were working, the majority in the building or steel industries. Slowly but surely the FLN began to organise Algerians in France. It was Algerians in France that were to finance the war. Tunisia and Morocco were granted independence and the rest 14 territories that France had under its wing, remained loyal to them. In British West Africa, everyone who was politically conscious was deemed to be a nationalist. On the other hand in French West Africa, there are Catholics and anti- clericals, Communists and Gaullists, Socialists, Syndicalist and Existentialists. LÃ ©opold SÃ ©dar Senghor was the first President of Senegal and the first African to be elected as a member of the French Academy. He wanted to not just stay in the French Union but the French Republic. Thus, he advocated political federation rather than independence between France and Africa. Post World War 2, the French Government bore a considerable amount of the administrative costs and provided subsidies for export crops. Until 1958, majority of the public investment and a sizeable amount of annual running costs plus vast sums of infrastructure were financed by France. When a new constitution was being drafted in the French ruled countries, except for Guinea, all other countries voted for a Franco-African community. But this did not last long and the African rulers demanded greater control. France then reached the conclusion that all territories under them would have to be launched as independent states. Meanwhile, in all the Britain ruled countries, the violence had been reaching a boiling point forcing England to jettison all long term plans of independence. Throughout the period of colonization, the French, no doubt ruthless colonisers, seem to have been more willing to consider the people of Africa a part of their culture and nation rather than believing in the principle of the ruler and the ruled upon as followed by Britain to a large extent. The French also wanted to see the fruits of their anti-slavery efforts in West Africa. Assimilation was one ideological basis of the French colonial policy. In contrast with British imperial policy, the French taught their subjects that, by adopting French language and culture, they could eventually become French. The famous Four Communes in Senegal can be seen as proof of this. And probably the only proof of the same. Here Africans were, in theory, afforded all the rights of French citizens. The French Assimilation concept was based on the idea of expanding French culture to the colonies outside of France in the 19th and 20th century. Natives of these colonies were considered French citizens as long as the culture and customs were adopted. This also meant they would have the rights and duties of French citizens. The French appeared to understand fully, even at an early stage, that assimilation of West Africans under tier control was not in the offing. Both the cost of implementing such a program and the tenacity of the indigenous populations prevented full-scale assimilation. Instead, the French sought to control the West African populations. By contrast, in the British colonies the approach was the opposite: they used local power holders rather than installing a whole new administration. Each system aimed to benefit the colonizers. The French were rather harsh in their administration and their attempts to increase their economic footholds, utilizing such means as forced labor and imprisonment to maintain and expand their interests. One of the most important aspects of the French colonization of West Africa was the requirement placed on the colony to pay its own way as a colony. The French administration sought to increase productivity and extract valuable resources. They fostered production of groundnuts and cotton where appropriate conditions were present and imposed taxation as a means of inducing participation in the cash economy. Where crops could not be grown, they encouraged migration to wage- earning areas. The French colonial encounter in West Africa was driven by commercial interests and, perhaps to a lesser degree, a civilizing mission. The political administration and the economic interests were fairly uniform throughout the colonial period. Little was done to improve the lives of West Africans, although attempts were made to provide minimal health and educational services. Whereas in the British areas of West Africa some portion of the economic gain accrued to an African middle class, no such dynami c occurred in the French context. Bibliography https://exploringafrica.matrix.msu.edu/students/curriculum/m7b/activity4.php http://www.historytoday.com/martin-evans/french-resistance-and-algerian-war http://exhibitions.nypl.org/africanaage/essay-resistance.html http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=2920 file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/List%20of%20French%20possessions%20and%20colonies%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/French%20West%20Africa%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm file:///C:/Users/hp/Documents/africa/Scramble%20for%20Africa%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-17_u-504_t-1362_c-5244/qld/sose/colonisation-resources-power-and-exploration/colonisation-history/france http://www.africa.upenn.edu/K-12/French_16178.html -Shalmali Ghaisas

Friday, September 20, 2019

aztecs: Incas :: essays research papers

Aztecs: Incas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the time the Spaniards arrived to the New World they found different Indian civilizations with many similitude and differences. In Mexico the Spaniards found a very stable empire called the Aztecs; the Aztec empire controlled a region stretching from the Valley of Mexico in central Mexico east to the Gulf of Mexico and south to Guatemala. The Aztec built great cities and developed a complex social, political, and religious structure. Spaniards found another Indian civilization called Incas Empire; it was a vast kingdom in the Andes Mountains of South America, but at the time of the Spaniards conquest the empire was in a huge crisis caused by the death of their leader. Before the crisis, the Inca government system was among the most complex political organizations of many Native American cultures. Although the Incas lacked both a written language and the concept of the wheel, they built large stone structures without mortar and constructed suspension bridges and roads that crossed the steep mountain valleys of the Andes. These two empires were passing for different situations at the moment of the contact; finally the Spaniards obtained the control and star controlling the empires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Aztec Empire was a Native American state that ruled much of what is now Mexico from about 1428 until 1521, when the empire which was very stable; The Aztecs empire was conquered by the Spaniards. The Aztecs empire represented the highest point in the development of the rich Aztec civilization that had begun more than a century earlier. The Aztec built great cities and developed a complex social, political, and religious structure. Their capital, Tenochtitlà ¡n, was located on the site of present-day Mexico City. Tenochtitlà ¡n was an elaborate metropolis built on islands and reclaimed marsh land, Tenochtitlà ¡n was possibly the largest city in the world at the time of the Spanish conquest. Tenochtitlà ¡n featured a huge temple complex, a royal palace, and numerous canals. Aztec cities were also dominated by giant stone pyramids topped by temples where human sacrifices were dedicated to their Gods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aztec society was highly structured, based on agriculture, and guided by a religion that pervaded every aspect of life. The Aztec worshiped Gods represented natural forces that were vital to their agricultural economy. Although Aztec society had strict classes, a person’s status could change based on his or her contribution to society. The society was divided into different classes like for example the leader, the nobility, local rulers, military, priestly, artisans, and commoners (Class notes from 5/12/05).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Relationships and Marriage - Couples Should Live Together before Getting Married :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Couples Should Live Together before Getting Married      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In my mother's house it was never discussed whether I should live with someone before marriage. In my culture, you are not allowed to live together until after you are married. Since I did not have the chance to live together with my husband while we were dating, it was difficult during our first year of marriage. We argued a lot, mostly because we were afraid of the unknown and the possibility that we had made a mistake. Living together before making our vows would have reassured us about a lifelong commitment. From my own experience, I believe that couples should live together before getting married, so they can start to know each other on a closer, more personal level; moreover, they can start thinking about the compatibility of their future spouse.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Couples start knowing each other on a closer, more personal level when they live together, which prepares them for a married lifestyle. For starters, you learn what your partner likes and dislikes, although this isn't always easy. There is a lot to discover about your partner and from your partner; the only way to do this successfully is to move in together. For example, does he like broccoli, female mud wrestling, sleeping with the windows open? Maybe he likes to spend the whole weekend on the couch watching basketball! Believe it or not, it's little details like these that can often make or break a relationship. Second, you learn what kind of bad habits you and your partner have and whether or not you can get rid of them. I really don't like it when my husband forgets to fill the ice trays, forgets to replace the empty toilet paper holder, or leaves the toilet seat up; I, on the other hand, tend to forget to put perishables in the refrigerator after I take them out for cooking, and I leave the clothes in a pile, all wrinkled, when they come out of the dryer. Moreover, you can see how much fun you have with each other and realize how much you would miss by not getting married. Try to plan a vacation in advance, have a dinner date in town after work, or go to the movies on a Wednesday night when you know you have to get up for work the next morning.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Censoring the Pages of Knowledge Essay -- Books Literature Essays

Censoring the Pages of Knowledge Imagine a world where you could not read or own any books. How would you feel if you had someone burn your house because you have books hidden within the walls? One of the most prevalent themes in Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 is the idea of censorship. In Bradbury's fictional world, owning books is illegal. A fireman's job is not putting out fires like one may assume. In Fahrenheit 451, a fireman has the job of starting fires. Firefighters start fires in homes containing books. If this were reality, there would be no homes to live in. Books have become an integral part of American life. However, the theme of censorship is still relevant in American life. Censorship is enforced in an interesting way in Fahrenheit 451. Normally if someone was asked about the roles of firemen, they would respond, "firemen are people who put out fires." The role of firemen in Fahrenheit 451 is completely different. Firemen are the enforcers of the censorship laws. They are called upon when a person is known to have books in their house. The opening line of Bradbury's novel is, "It was a pleasure to burn" (3). Firemen seemed to enjoy their status as book burners. Many even got an adrenaline rush out of burning books. Guy Montag, the protagonist and main character of the novel was a fireman who once felt starting the fires in people's homes was thrilling. In describing Montag's actions during one particular fire, Bradbury writes, "He wanted above all, like the old joke to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawn of the house" (3). This quote demonstrates the mentality of the firemen an d the opinion of the government. Books are evil in t... ...in restrictions are needed. Pornography should not be available to children. I do not have a problem with parental advisory labels on music. However, putting a ban on all books is a very scary proposition. Bradbury's novel does not come close to describing how miserable this world would become. Everybody in this world depends on books whether or not they are literate. It can be said that we get most of our morals and values from books. These morals are found in books such as the Bible, Aesop's Fables, and sometimes even the trashy romance novels that women tend to love. Without books, the world could be explained in one word, educated. An uneducated world is a miserable world full of fighting and conflict. An uneducated world is a world at constant war. A world with out books is a dystopian world. Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine Books, 1953.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Better business through budgeting Essay

The article talks about the importance of formulating a budget for businesses even small-size companies since it establishes their goals and helps to predict the success of a business idea while embarking upon the financial health of the company. Formulating a working budget is important from a business and financial perspective that allows measuring progress, accounting for unexpected expenses and availing investment opportunities. It is a tool for attracting investors and getting loans. Budget enables both the insiders and outsiders to look at the history of performance and upcoming plans and deliverables of the company. Small companies usually don’t pay much attention to budget since they consider financing as secondary to the product or service they provide as well as a waste of time. A simple and effective budget is the need of time for small companies. Alexander defined budget as a tool for identifying incomes and expenditures. The projections allow a company to compare it plans and expectations with what happens actually thus showing the company’s performance and accomplishment of the goals. Budget entails with it three financial statements of which cash flow is the most important followed by income statement and balance sheet. The realistic projections about a business future performance can be made through historical data as well as likely income to be generated through marketing programs, seasonal businesses and other anticipated sources with the help of research. Fixed and variable costs should be projected in the same manner and later the numbers should be plugged in. The key is to be conservative and build contingency plans in order to build a financial cushion in the budget(Klein, K. E. 2006). The biggest mistake to avoid is that budget should be treated as an ongoing exercise rather than once a year exercise done to accomplish some purpose which is not consulted again throughout the year. Secondly, it should be realistic with all the necessary elements and details. Thirdly, it can be made with the help of financial advisors who offer insight into the budgeting process rather than the entrepreneur making it himself with incomplete knowledge. Softwares are also available for this purpose but the key is to select the simple and easy to use ones which do not contain specialized programs but the general ones which are not heavy on jargons. RESPONSE The article explains us the importance and usefulness of budgeting in an organization which is meant for both insiders and outsiders. Budgeting will not only allow projecting incomes and expenditures but compare them those to the real picture in order to know whether the business is fulfilling our expectations or not. It is necessary to set goals and ensure that the business idea seems to be realistic and viable in the future. The insiders of a company need budget to regulate their expenses and account for any unexpected expenses or losses. Before making any investment, the company should consult its budget that whether it allows for it or not keeping all other expenses in account. For the outsiders, the budget serves as a statement of plans and deliverables for the year. The budget tells the stakeholders how successful the company has been on meeting its goals. Budget is a useful exercise for small sized companies since they need to operate within their small source of income and ensure that their expenses do not get out of their hands. Budgeting also increases the credibility of a business since the stakeholders gain confidence in a business while looking at the financial statements. Today, most of the businesses do not formulate a budget and those who do consider it a one-time exercise and a formality for the shareholders. Companies should realize the importance of budgeting and take actions only after consulting their budget in order to avoid any pitfalls (Shim & Siegel, 2008). REFERENCE Shim, J. K. , & Siegel, J. G. (2008). Budgeting Basics and Beyond, 3rd edn. Wiley. Klein, K. E. 2006. Better Business Through Budgeting.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pursuasive Policy

To persuade my audience that the fight against bullying begins at home. Central Problem Statement: Due to the increase in bullying in schools, there is a need to prohibit bullying and create a safe and educational environment. INTRODUCTION Attention Step (Pathos) l. Bullies. Dictionary. Com defines bullies as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.I will now share a true story with you and I want you to think to ourselves If this story poses as the definition. A few years ago, on the evening of September 9th, 2010, a boy of Greensboro named Billy Lucas committed suicide by hanging. Earlier that day Billy had been suspended from school for cursing at the bullies that were harassing with â€Å"gay† discourse. Channel 8 news reports that a day before Billy committed suicide that his sister told a good friend of Bills that â€Å"He had a chair pulled out from underneath him and was told to go hang himself. Lat er that evening that Is Just what he did. Reveal the Topic II. There are a few absolution policies that are set In the school systems that prevent bulling from occurring, only to limit it. Relevancy (Logos) Ill. Most schools pretty much have the same policy with in their school system, which is called the Anti-Bully Policy. This policy basically states that any student or employee will not be abused psychologically or physically. Credibility I have had personal V. Experience with this as my friend was a victim In a bullying case.Unfortunately for him, he awaited the same fate as Billy as he committed suicide after being pushed to the edge. Preview For the next few minutes, I will share about the frequency at which bullying occurs without interference not only in the state of Indiana but the entire country. I will also state the obvious by saying the policies set in now are ineffective and new policies with new strategic plans need to be unveiled in order to save lives. BODY Need Ste p (Claim) l. Bystanders don't take the necessary actions to prevent bullying from proceeding In schools.Assertion 1: Bullying Is a concerning issue that happens everyday, whether it is reported or not, it happens. Evidence Logos: A. According to a study done by the Response Ability Act, 86% of children have witnessed bullying at least once (RAP Project) Evidence Logos: B. In 2008, there was a study done right here in Indiana that showed how bullying cases led to suicides. From the ages 10-19 there were an astonishing 1,819 suicides relating to bullying In school, which means there are way too many people not doing anything about It. Evidence Pathos: C.As I have already stated, before I moved here, I had a friend that would constantly be bullied and even while I was around, which made me he bystander. This went on for some time until I saw on the news that my friend had committed suicide. It broke my heart because I was just as guilty as the bully for not doing anything to stand up f or what was right and I have regretted not taking action ever since. Transition: Now tattoo know some statistics and my own personal let Like me, in my story, many bystanders lack courage to step into the situation Evidence Pathos: A.Imagine you are the victim in a bullying situation such as the one I previously stated. I mean you are in the midst of a bully string to ingle as much pain as possible into you. You look up and see your classmates laughing and making fun of you, yet you see your best friend Just watching. Evidence Ethos: B. Now let's switch roles for a bit, you're the bystander or the best friend Just watching this take place. Why don't you do anything? Why don't you stick up for your friend? Well according to Recount. Com, the typical bystander doesn't get involved for various reasons.But the most common reasons are â€Å"None of their business†, â€Å"They will come a target†, and â€Å"It will give them an unwanted stigma, such as a tattle tale†. (Recount. Com) Evidence Logos: C. The U. S. Department of Justice shows the between the years of 1999 and 2003 there had been a 2. 1% increase in bullying cases. So we bystanders have to stop this trend. Transition: Now that you know that not only bullying is a problem but also the bystander that does nothing is a problem, let me explain how we can offer help and or implement policies to eliminate these problems. Satisfaction Step: II.Spending the appropriate time with the kids at mom teaching the correct morals and values will put an end to bullying in schools. A. Psychometric. Com states that the best and most obvious way to stop bullying in schools is for parents to change the way they parent their children at home. A. Good kids who don't get in trouble or start any trouble typically come from households in which these morals and values are presented to them almost daily. B. Bullies usually come from families who fight a lot which is seen as the acceptable behavior and is repeat ed in school. B.However my audience here is probably brothers and sisters ND maybe aunts and uncles. A. The same principles really apply, your apart of the family too so you should have a part too. C. So in order to summarize this up, I'm not asking for money or donations, I'm not asking for you to sign a petition, I am Just asking you to spend time with the kids in your household and to make sure you know that they know what is right and how to handle these situations if they were to occur. Transition: Now that you know the root of the problem of bullying, I want to show you a video that puts everything into perspective.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Differences Between People Will Always Lead to Conflict Essay

H. Norman Wright once stated â€Å"Every person is different. Yet often, those differences are not understood or valued by others. † Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Depending on how it is approached and managed, conflict can be either constructive or destructive. Conflict arises when people disagree over something perceived as important. We live in communities and families with people who may not see things as we do. Conflicts occur on a daily basis, sometimes as small disputes, sometimes as violent battles and each person will respond to conflicts based on their own particular personality and cultural background. People have different motivations, beliefs, values and goals hence why there will always be conflict between people. Contrasts between people can lead to either small disputes or even war. In the years 1861-1865 there was a fierce civil in USA between United States (the â€Å"Union† or the â€Å"North†) and several Southern slave states that had declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America. People in America had different political beliefs. November 6, 1860 – Abraham Lincoln, who had declared â€Å"Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free†¦ † is elected president. Abraham Lincoln wanted the country to be united and abolish slavery in all of America but several states of America had a different opinion. The war had its origin in the restless issue of slavery and after four years of bloody combat, the Confederacy was defeated, slavery was abolished, and the difficult rebuilding process of restoring unity and guaranteeing rights to the freed slaves began. People having different political beliefs led to disputes within the country. History has shown us that differences amongst people can cause disunity between people, groups and in some cases nations or countries. During WW2 Japan invaded Singapore, Japan launched an airstrike on Singapore unexpectedly, which lead to the fall of Singapore in a few days. Women in Singapore were taken as prisoners and put in a war camp. In the camp women were treated relentlessly and lived under harsh conditions. The rules of the Geneva Convention were not adhered to and this too caused friction between countries The women in the POW camps responded to conflict in different ways, some sacrificed their selves, some calmly and some with hope. The women had different backgrounds which caused opposition within the group. Having discord in the group led to rivalries between the women, also led to divergence in the group and lack of trust within each other. Though it might seem to be a small dispute, it had a big influence on how the women were going to survive. Afghanistan has been a victim of many military campaigns. Many countries wanted to take over Afghanistan which led to conflict between countries. In 1996 an Islamic fundamentalist political movement called the Taliban meaning â€Å"The Seekers† took over Afghanistan. Their aims were to end the political chaos that had been ongoing in Afghanistan since the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 and to impose a strict interpretation of Islam. Taliban came in as a cleansing force to establish law and order which they did. Their efforts were initially embraced by the war-ravaged Afghans but their means of ending the chaos resulted in the imposition of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. They imposed severe restrictions on women, and banned television, considered a symbol of Western decadence. The Taliban instituted a code of laws that oppressed and brutalized women, under Taliban rule; women were restricted to the home, denied education and could be executed for not wearing the right dress. Afghanistan is a multiethnic society, each ethnic group attempting to stake out their own territory and the Taliban’s Islamic laws opposed the beliefs and values of other cultures in Afghanistan, this discrepancy instigated the ongoing civil war in Afghanistan Three decades of war made Afghanistan the world’s most dangerous country, including the largest producer of refugees and asylum seekers. Decades of fighting have created millions of refugees; families have been torn apart and thousands of villages have been demolished in the fighting leaving Afghanis with little alternative but to flee. Over the past decades Australia has accepted thousands of refugees from Afghanistan that take a treacherous journey by boat to flee the war in search of a new and peaceful life. When refugees came to Australia they are put into detention centres for a period of time while their refugee statuses are being processed. Refugees from Afghanistan respond to conflict in different ways some through having a positive mind, some with hope, fear, denial and most of all with self-sacrifice. People having opposing religious beliefs in Afghanistan transformed it into warfare, affecting millions of innocent people in Afghanistan. We live in a world full of people with different values, motives and goals. There will always be distinctions between people through culture, values, beliefs, motivations and goals which to some extend will lead to conflict. †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. it is nearly impossible to understand those who are beyond our sight, who are not explained to us by ties of birth or contact of the flesh†.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The debate between essentialism and social construction

The debate between essentialism and social construction is a very complicated one. Since both essentialists and social constructionists have different perspectives on matters, in order to be able to decide whether or not there was a presence of homosexual persons over time and place certain aspects have to be taken into consideration. Such as, was it biologically inherited, was it brought about with a preference on acts and desires or overtime influenced by religion, culture, beliefs, social norms, and acceptance has a define answer is a tough decision to make. Essentialists are stereotypical; they choose to have a set definition of a homosexual, whereas a social constructionist would have variations in their idea of what makes a homosexual. A social constructionist would disagree with whether the presence of homosexual persons over time and place have a set thought as to homosexuality was biologically inherited because they would feel that, that would be limiting the thought of other aspects influencing homosexuality. Social constructionists would feel that there is not just one set category or definition that makes you a homosexual. For example, an essentialist would say that a homosexual is someone who has black hair; therefore everyone who has black hair to an essentialist would be a homosexual. Whereas, a social constructionist would say black hair, brown, yellow, purple it doesn't matter it is in fact what that person felt that made him a homosexual. So taking an essentialist point of view stating that there was homosexual persons throughout time and place would discriminate other homosexuals who had different sexual desires, preferences, and acts that transcended through time due to other influencing matters. Matters such as culture, social norms and acceptance, beliefs, and backgrounds are good examples. Whereas Gordon and Abott state, â€Å"Social Constructionism usually has to do with categorizing. † This statement could be viewed as someone stating that religion is a deciding factor to whether someone is homosexual and someone else saying that background is a deciding factor to deciding homosexuality. There are two ideas or theory's stated here that both do influence homosexually. A social constructionist would be able to figure out what is means to be influenced by religion and what is meant to be influenced by background, and be versatile between the two the groups allowing homosexual individuals themselves to decide which factor influenced them even if it was both religion and background.. While an essentialist would simply state those definitions and state which category he/she would fall into there would be not switching into groups. (Gordon and Abott). In the article the Hijras of India by Serena Nanda, the Hijras of India are viewed as a separate group just like gay, lesbian and bisexual people in any other cultures, countries, religions, etc, just because their differences are not viewed as a social norm. They are also treated differently in every aspect because of different influences such as births and weddings. Hijras are a religious group of men who dress and act like women either because they are men who are bisexual and gay, or because when they were young boys they were castrated because of religious beliefs. The Hijras that were castrated when the where young boys are neither men nor women and cannot reproduce so they are viewed as powerful, able to curse those who disrespect them, yet outsiders in their contribution to this India society. Considering gay, lesbian and bisexual lives are not accepted in this culture, would it be reasonable to say that these men who started this religious belief where gay or bisexual men are looking for a way to express there emotions in this non accepting society? This would be a social constructionist view because over time actions and desires have changed in this society because acceptance, beliefs, culture, etc have become more accepting and understanding of the true meaning behind this religious belief. Some other things that came up were are these acts still being performed to younger boys and is this against their religion to deny a human being the right to be male and reproduce (source: Nanda)? In Class on Tuesday September 23, 2003 we had a class discussion on biological differences or mishaps that happen to babies that make it confusing to decide what sex that baby really is. In this class discussion we looked at different examples of baby girls who had their chromosomes in tact but their ovaries were inside of them and had larger clitorises. Should they have been men? We also looked at many other different situations pertaining to that subject. This could also relate back to the Hijras because they could not help what was done to them and this was only done because of social norms and social acceptance. This being an essentialist point of view there was a need for order and meaning. A social constructionist would just simply say that they could fall into many categories and find out what it means to be an XYYY baby or an XX baby with no vagina hole. â€Å"Thus, social constructionists spend much time â€Å"deconstructing† things: demonstrating that a group of categories have no truth and showing how they are socially accomplished (Gordon and Abbott)† Instead of the doctors, parents or the Hijra men who decided what sex a child should be a social constructionist would not follow the social norm in a need to have order and find an answer they would except the difference and make it a category with meaning. Ancient Greece provides another example of how there has always been a presence of homosexuality with an influence from culture. There was presence of homosexuality then and still is today but it has been influenced throughout time by culture, acceptance, social norms etc†¦ , because over time religion, cultures, etc have become more important and more needed for order to place people by the essentialists (Vance). Social constructionist views are more acceptable to differences and variations form the social norms of order and judging. They have shown that there has been a presence of a homosexual person over time and place but not just one type of homosexual person variations of unique homosexual persons. Social constructionism proves that there is not just one way to be but many ways and many categories we can all fit in not judging upon sexual orientation.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 28

Marketing - Essay Example Electronics industry is ripe to welcome the new product that would be launched very shortly, which is customised cell phone. A marketing opportunity study was made on developing a new product for the existing market of cell phones. Cell phones of popular brands have limited features. Customers are fed up of the popular brands tactics of providing new technology features in latest range where something is always left to be desired and not fulfilled by the mobile phone companies. Only customised cell phones can be the solution to satisfy the customer needs with an innovative product with dependable services can be the best available means to capture the market well in time when the idea is still new to capture the cell phone users’ attention. What is a customisable mobile phone? A customisable mobile phone is a built-to-order phone that comes with the feature of snapping the unwanted functionality or adding the functionality as per the customer demand. It could be a GSM phone to be customised or the other. The customer will decide whether the phone should be touch screen, bar, flip or smart phone; whether it has a keyboard or the customer prefers a mobile phone without a keyboard. The customised mobile phone will offer the customers the choice to select the operating system of their choice from Google Android, apple, OS X or Microsoft and others. As per the marketing research plan, customised mobile is such an opportunity that can be instrumental in offering a cost-effective mobile phone of high quality. Customers would have the freedom to choose their preferred service provider; no need to subscribe to a particular service provider. The custom-ordered mobile would be available with warranties, after-sale service and rep air (Elgan, 2008). Under the concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC), which is a holistic approach to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analyze and Appraise each of the (15) articles OBESITY IN CHILDREN Essay - 1

Analyze and Appraise each of the (15) articles OBESITY IN CHILDREN (Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution - Essay Example The research found that most interventions that meet the immediate needs of children are either pre-school or school based interventions. Though community based interventions may work they are not as effective for children as school based interventions. Children with obesity often exhibit metabolic complications and these complications are a major cause of early morbidity for such obese children. An effective intervention would thus be one that makes use of a critical understanding of the key pathogenesis of the phenotype of this group of children. Curtailment of sleep was found to be a major cause of obesity in both children and adults. The same risk factor is also valid for people of different setting from different parts of the world. The reason why curtailment of sleep would increase risk in obesity is that it leads to â€Å"constellation of metabolic and endocrine alterations, including decreased glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, and increased hunger and appetite.† Low self esteem was recorded in children with obesity. In light of this, â€Å"weight loss treatment programs appear to improve self-esteem.† However, the research could not clarify if low self esteem is a risk factor associated with the cause of obesity. This is another confirmation on the usefulness of the multidimensional theory in tackling the problem of obesity from as many angels as possible. There was higher prevelance of obesity among children and adolescents from age 2 to 19 (16.9%) than there was in infant and toddlers (birth to 2 years). In terms of sex however, there was no differences in the prevalence rate. This study is therefore essential in providing researchers with the demographic areas where they need to pay particular attention to when dealing with obesity. The results showed that the viewing of television as a sedentary activity did not in its self act as a risk factor in beginning obese. The risk however was associated with the advertisements that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Should We Expand Our Support of Literacy Programs for Homeless Essay

Should We Expand Our Support of Literacy Programs for Homeless Children - Essay Example There are several causes of homelessness, such as domestic violence, economic hardships and war. Homelessness is bad because it creates chaos and instability in the family and threatens development of children. Researchers have found that homeless children are mostly made to forego literary and language opportunities. It is known in this context that disruption in educational development and stressed family relationships can lead to severe adversities in a child’s later learning environment (Duffield and Lovell, 2008). Communities are now beginning to realize that while addressing the issue of homelessness, it is not merely enough to resolve problems relative to food and shelter. It is imperative to provide children with literary support through which they can get over with the challenges of coping with homelessness. Research has also shown that in general, homeless children stand higher chances of suffering from health and psychological problems and developmental issues and g enerally demonstrate poor performance in school as compared to other children having permanent housing (US Department of Education, 2011). It is for these reasons that society must expand support of literacy programs for homeless children. Main Body Because of homelessness, children are put at strong risks of poor health. Research has indicated that as compared to children having permanent homes, homeless children stand four times more chances of being in poor health. Such children are two times more likely to visit emergency medical centers and to be deprived of the normal immunizations that are necessary for children. Moreover, homeless children have to often go without food and it is because of these reasons that these children perform poorly in academics. Homeless children get poor results in schools because they have to under go immense turmoil and are at constant risk of being shifted from one school to another, in addition to being made to skip school for an indefinite number of days because of the need to meet their basic family needs. It has been established through research that mobility has a devastating impact on children’s achievements and that it significantly reduces such children’s chances of graduating from high school. Schools are known to provide support to homeless children but they continue to face some unique hurdles in education such as not being able to comply with enrollment conditions relative to proof of residence, guardianship, health records etc. They often change their residences frequently, resulting in unstable schooling and continuity in education. These children are considerably constrained because of lack of transport facilities, inadequate clothing and school supplies, hunger, fatigue and poor health. Mostly, these difficulties for homeless children are not addressed and they are not able to attend school, which prevents them from getting an education that is supposed to be guaranteed by law (Iowa Department of Education, 2004). If initiatives are taken by schools to address the needs of homeless children, a sanctuary of support and stability can be created for them. They can be provided opportunities in acquiring skills needed to rise above poverty and to maintain a sound household as

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Labour Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labour Laws - Essay Example This is certainly the case with Key Lime Printing. There is a feeling on the part of the workers that they are at best getting a very bad deal from a company that has already been in business for a relatively long time and should be able to do better. As a lawyer, there are a few issues that I shall seek to reinforce. I shall seek to inform the client, Joe Blow, that there is little legal recourse once the matter gets to this point. After all, the Notice of Certification from the labor relations board has already been received. There are three main issues that seem to underline the employees’ decision to unionize. First of all, there is the issue of pay. Pay disputes are always a minimum expectancy when it comes to labor relations. This is where most of the labor unrest that we witness centers around. The next issue lies with dismissal of employees. Fair or unfair dismissal is a contentious issue that cannot be resolved anytime soon. On the part of the dismissed employee, thei r default position is that the dismissal is always unfair (Cihon & Castagnera, 2010). Finally, there is the whole issue of unionization. I shall seek to show my client his rights and responsibilities as far as unionization of employees is concerned. The first issue deals with income. I shall handle this issue in two parts. The first part shall be with relation to the right amount that each employee should receive. This is an extremely complicated issue. If each one of us were given the option to suggest how much we want to be paid, then we might suggest amounts that are impractical for the profitable conduct of business. We cannot leave this weighty decision to the employers alone either. There is a need for both the employer and the employee to sit down and discuss each of their positions as far as remuneration is concerned. My client does not seem to have done this. Therefore, first step during the anticipated meeting shall be to hear each side’s position in as far as salar ies are concerned (Pay and Wages, 2013). The second angle in as far as salaries are concerned is the nature of employment. There is the need to find the right balance between benefits, commissions and salaries. The idea of only paying a commission to the three workers without either salaries or benefits is a very emotive one. Initially, it was thought that being paid on commission motivated the workers to apply themselves fully so that in a way they can ‘determine their own salaries’. This is not the case anymore. Finding business is not guaranteed, yet at the end of the month these employees have bills to pay and other responsibilities to fulfill. This needs to be looked at considering that the leading light in this revolt is an employee who is subject to this draconian employment terms (Pay and Wages, 2013). Dismissal is another issue that needs to be addressed. Arguably, perhaps it is the place where the bitterest battles with regard to employee rights are witnessed. There should be a firm basis for any dismissal that is effected in the workplace. After all, this is a place where people from different backgrounds coalesce to satisfy their needs for employment. Additionally, in such a place one cannot dismiss the effect of culture and background on general conduct and productivity in the workplace. Therefore, dismissal must be looked at with this backdrop in mind. There seems to have been instances where the foreman, Top, dismissed employees. He has no right to do this. This is un-procedural. There needs to be a properly laid procedure through which dismissals are carried out. Only the owner, Blow, should have the power to mete out such punishment. In most cases, dismissal should be the last resort (Arthurs & Carter,

Effects of Stakeholders on Communication Assignment

Effects of Stakeholders on Communication - Assignment Example Owners are concerned with maximizing the business profits, investors are interested in earning income from their investment, and employees want to keep their job and earn higher wages. External stakeholders are individuals or groups that are not within the business, and are not working directly with the business, but are affected in a number of ways from the business decisions. They include the government, trade unions, community, creditors, suppliers, and customers. Identifying the stakeholder affects communication in many ways. The best thing is just learning what a particular stakeholder needs to enhance profit or protect and then structure communication according to these factors. First, the information to be communicated and the mode of communication vary for each group. Additionally, the period or frame for delivering the information to a group of stakeholders or a stakeholder varies as there are those that require to be notified immediately, and it will help reduce overloading stakeholders with information. The level of the stakeholder and their interests influences a lot how you should communicate with them. The interested individuals or groups should be managed closely through status meetings; change logs, and notified about the issues, this is most probably the high power individuals and groups. These that are high powered and have less interest should always be satisfied through board meeting updates and steering committees. Those inte rested and are in low power, need to be informed in-person or through email updates, and video.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business legal issues. Brandon Burton, Leslie Gaines, Eric Essay

Business legal issues. Brandon Burton, Leslie Gaines, Eric Defrancisco, David Butler, Sanjeev Dube - Essay Example In this case, the mention of his disability as a concern may be construed as prejudice against the physically disabled as a class. The discrimination is made more apparent by the fact that the position being applied for is a managerial one, a job that requires more of mental skills rather than physical capabilities. There may be instances, however, when it is proper to express concern that physical disability may get in the way of the discharge of the duties of the position. When the job requires physical dexterity and the application of manual skills, then clearly the situation of a paraplegic will be a hindrance to the discharge of the function. There are many such instances when the specification of physical attributes for a particular job is accepted as normal and regular, such as requiring airplane attendants to be of a certain minimum height to be able to reach overhead baggage compartments, or ballet dancers to be male to fulfill a particular dance role. Ethnicity or racial or igins may sometimes be necessary for assignment in certain parts of the world, to reduce the threat of personal risk to the individual, or to increase the company’s acceptance in that culture. ... (2012). â€Å"Dallas company sued for disability discrimination.† Retrieved from: http://www.houstonemploymentlawattorney.com/2012/06/dallas-company-sued-for-disability-discrimination.shtml Response to the post of Student 2: Leslie Gaines Reading through the original report of the case, it is mentioned that the company believes the claims to be baseless, â€Å"but will investigate them thoroughly.† What is happening in this case, or at least what the company wants to portray, is that the assignment of non-whites to lower-paid â€Å"back of the house duties† (if it is true) is the decision of the local branch management and is not a policy of top management. In either case, the company has a duty of restitution to the non-whites, not only in monetary terms, but in terms of restoring their dignity and self-esteem. Then if indeed the branch management is culpable, then they should be dealt with by the top executive, together with articulation of a clear statement ag ainst discriminating practices (Daft & Marcic, 2012). It is clear that the company does not claim that the restaurant is trying to maintain a high-end image so it does not assign non-Caucasians as servers; it is the plaintiffs who allege this (Wildeboer, 2012). Had this been the defense of the firm – that it seeks to maintain an image – then it would be tantamount to an admission, and the force of the law should be brought to bear upon it for racial discrimination. Nor does the report say the 26 plaintiffs were qualified. If they are, the firm should be held accountable by the principle of command responsibility. However, it must first be proven that there are and have been absolutely no non-white servers, and that all non-whites, despite being qualified for the front-end, are summarily

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics Case Study

Employment Relations in the Innovative Electronics - Case Study Example Subsequently, these problems affected diverse business areas within the company besides affecting the stakeholders. The customers could not get their needs and demands met by the products of Innovative and hence walked away. The parent company reduced resources to the subsidiaries, affecting the motivation and reward system negatively. The management structure and the policies that the senior managers used caused mistrust and cynicism and failed to address the problems of the company since coherence and teamwork were affected negatively. Innovative Electronics is a company that operates in Europe and produces sophisticated electronic control equipment used by other big companies in testing and measuring laboratory instruments, mobile phones, and chemicals. The Innovative business has experienced constant problems in the past five years, resulting in a patchy performance because of the economic turmoil that rocked the world’s market for some of its important products. This paper is an integrative case study analysis of Innovative electronics in which the problem is discussed, the case data analyzed, and the main problems facing the company identified and analyzed. In addition, recommendations are made to help improve the situation that the company is in, in future. The Innovative Electronics is experiencing poor and low performance in its business for the last five years because of the market depression for some of its main products. The company, which had been thriving on the power of technological innovations for its business success, is also facing increased threats from its new competitors in the market because of less innovative developments that can neither attract new customers nor retain the existing ones.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Critically evaluate the theories that attempt to explain why women Essay

Critically evaluate the theories that attempt to explain why women continue to suffer disadvantage in the employment relationship - Essay Example The majority of women are employed in low skilled jobs, and the manner of their dealings with employers is not subject to protections presented by competitive forces within the labour market. Majority of women at the work place are exposed to unfair dealings and outcomes with companies (Colgan & Ledwith 2002, p. 172). Their bargaining power is unequal compared to the firm due to lack of protection. This system works unfairly to women even as nonmarket mechanisms try to provide some form of protection to them. Since early 1800 there have always been legislations meant to protect female workers. This includes prohibition from working in certain occupations, hours of work and compulsory maternity leave. Consequently, firms responded by either substituting female labour or lowering their wages to cater for the costs. Critics observe that protective policies stand in the way of women in their bid to compete with men for high paying jobs (Brown et al 2009, p.151). The paper addresses a range of theories which have been put forward to explain the position women occupy in employment. These theories including radical feminism, Marxist feminism and liberal feminism share some things in common. Apart from postmodernists, labour market segmentation and human capital model the proponents assume human behaviour is determined biologically. On the contrary knowledge from social sciences asser ts that as much as people shape society, the society too shapes people. This is to say that the mainstream feminist theories consider women in employment relations in terms of sex as opposed to gender. This theory puts much emphasis on the need for human agency as opposed to social structure, in suggesting improvement and explaining women’s position. According to the theory it is vital that both individuals and legislation are subjected to change. However, the behavioural change among people is given much emphasis. The equality between man and women is

Friday, September 6, 2019

Development through the life stages P2 Essay Example for Free

Development through the life stages P2 Essay The causes of the life factor Down Syndrome Foetal alcohol syndrome Bullying Peer groups Smoking The effect on the development on an individual (PIES)The physical side effect to a child with down syndrome is that they have a small nose and they have a flat nasal bridge, they also have a small mouth, their eyes slant either upwards or downwards. They have weak muscle tone which means they are very floppy; they have big hands and have short fingers. They may have a weight problem which will cause them to put on weight and will affect how they do activities if they start to get overweight and be limited in what they do. They may share physical features from their parent which will make them different. For intellectual, the child may develop a lot of mental health issues while they grow older, many of them face having anxiety, repetitive and obsessive compulsive behaviours. For emotional, they may develop behaviours that could affect their emotions, they may start to get frustrated at the fact they are delayed with their communication. For social, they are not very confident and people will need to get them to interact with other people and get them into social groups.The physical side effect is the child will have low birth weight, their body features will not be fully developed which will mean they will have a small head, a flat face with a snub nose, they will also have a thinner top lip, they will also have widely spaced eyes. They may develop general or specific learning difficulties. For intellectual, the child may develop a few learning difficulties which will include poor memory, they also have difficulty to understand concepts such as the time and counting money. They also have bad language. For emotional, the child will have a lot of behavioural problems and for this they become hyperactive, they don’t have the ability to concentrate, they have a lot of anxiety and are very stubborn. For social, they have a lot of socialization problems which causes difficulty to build and maintain friendships. The physical side effect is that it can affect the way a person can act, they may resort into eating disorders especially girls. There may be the physical signs, for example bruising around the neck or arms, also scratches and scars. For intellectual, this can affect the way they are towards education if they are being bullied during school, they will not want to attend school so they can get away from the bullies, this will then effect there future. For emotional, it is an emotional distress, which will cause a lot of physical  and emotional pain to them. For social, this will affect how they will interact with other people; due to them being bullied they may find it hard to trust other people and to also want to become friends in case they are bullied again. This will affect how they develop in the future because they may start to isolate themselves from people if they believe they are not strong enough to stand up for themselves. The physical side may have positive and negative sides to peer groups, if you’re in a group and everyone in the group is skinny, it may lead to that person losing weight in a way they should which would affect the body functioning. For intellectual, the groups may tend to be distracted with work which will allow them to fall behind on their work and affect their future. For other groups, it may be different and they may all work together to help each other with work and to achieve what they came to education for. For emotional, the groups may lead to becoming violent towards other people which will bring out aggression in them, they may also have a friendly group which won’t do any harm to people. For social, being in groups will give them the opportunity to develop their social skills, which includes leadership, teamwork or sharing. The physical side effect is they will have a reduce the performance at all the physical training they will do. They have a higher risk of heart attacks/ strokes and will have a higher heart resting rates than non-smokers. It may also affect the financial strain which will cause more worry on a person especially if they have low income. For intellectual, smoking will lead a person to not concentrate for long; it may also lead for the person to be affected mentally. For emotional, the smoking will relieve the stress that they will be building up. For social, it can be a social activity which people will be able to interact with one another when they are outside smoking, sometimes depending on the people, it may cause negativity on relationships. Can the factor be identified before the birth of a babyAntenatal screening can be given at 13 weeks to determine the likelihood of the baby developing or developed the condition. When the women goes for her monthly check-ups, they can notice th e child’s development growth and they will know when the baby is born whether they have been drinking throughout the process of the pregnancyThis factor cannot be identified before the birth because it is the society and the  environment around them that will cause this.This factor cannot be identified because it’s the environment and the friendships that the person will develop when they are in education.The cannot be identified because they are either brought up with a family smoking which will make them more likely to smoke or they want to smoke because other people are smoking. How many the factor influence the life of an individualAll people will down syndrome depending on the condition may be able to live separate from their parents, they may find it difficult to cope but they could get a little bit of work to help them be like other people and not be different. Sometimes they get married and will live their lives.Most adults who have a drinking problem will need help to get them back on track and to be able to look after their child without them resorting back to alcohol. They can get lots of supervision help which they will be able to make day to day decisions with themFor some people, if they were bullied at a young age, it may affect the way they will interact with other people and will tend to isolate themselves, they are at a higher risk of having anxiety or depression. But if the bullying for them was a short term memory, they will forget about what has happened and will carry on with their lives. Depending on how the group has been, if the group had a negative affect then that person may be rude, mean and harsh to other people just like they have grown up doing with in their group. But if there was a positive affect then the person will stay the kind, innocent person they were which will give them more of a social life.Smoking may cause long term effects especially if they are addicted to it, some people along the way may develop cancer which is caused by the smoking which will lose their independents, depending on the condition it may lead to them not being able to live on their own. Care needs to be fulfil individual needsBoth children and adults both need regular check-ups to see how they are getting on and to monitor their health. They may develop some certain health problems and with the check-up doctors will be able to do something about it. The children may need help if they have learning difficulties, they will be able to have someone to keep close eye on them and to make sure that they are progressing, for the adults they will need help in controlling their drinking problem if they have one and to understand the damages that has happened.Any person will be able to receive counselling if they believe they cannot get over it and will need to open up  about how they feel, also having a friendly face who had not bullied the person could help to open up and talk about what had happened. Parents are the people who will be able to influence the child to change the way they were and to not be who they are or how they are turning into. This is when they will need to have someone to be there for them so they are able to open up about how they feel and to let all their aggression outThere can be talking therapies which will help change a person’s thinking and acting towards the smoking and change it positively to help t hem cut smoking and eventually quit.